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How Long Do the Effects from Viagra (Sildenafil) Last?

Viagra is the most popular drug for men with erectile dysfunction. Hailed by many as a “wonder medicine” that’s helping couples get their sex lives back on track, it’s designed to give men a stronger, firmer and longer lasting erection.

Sildenafil is its active ingredient but what do we really know about it? How long does Viagra last? Moreover, how long does it take Viagra to work? These are key questions that men who want to be able to enjoy a healthy sex life with their partner ask. In this article, we take a look at the answers.

How Long Does Viagra Sildenafil 100mg Last?

100mg Sildenafil is the strongest dose you can take of Viagra. It’s recommended to men for whom smaller dosages just aren’t effective.

Because it’s a higher dosage, 100mg Viagra can stay in your system (and stay effective) as much as four times longer than smaller dosages.

In other words, 100mg Sildenafil can take well over eight hours to leave your body. This means that it’s possible for men taking higher dosages of Viagra to have sex more than once with a single pill. Even after ejaculation, a man might find that he’s able to get several more erections.

That said, Viagra isn’t a premature ejaculation pill, and there’s also zero evidence that it can help you have sex for longer. Moreover, despite remaining in your system for several hours, there’s no guarantee that it will work again as soon as you’ve just had sex. There are a few reasons for this. Some will be psychological, but there’s also the fact that your body might not be physiologically prepared to go again.

It’s also worth pointing out that, just because 100mg lasts much longer than 25mg Viagra, this should not be the reason you take it. Before you take 100mg Viagra, make sure your doctor is okay with it. Otherwise, it may not be safe for you.

How Long Does Viagra Sildenafil 25mg Last?

25mg Sildenafil is a considerably smaller dosage than 100mg. Typically, Viagra Sildenafil 25mg lasts between 2 and 3 hours. After two hours, its effects start to diminish.

That said, exactly how long it lasts depends on the type of pill (Sildenafil is produced and sold by various different companies), as well as your body’s metabolism. If your body is able to metabolise it slowly, Sildenafil 25mg can last longer, and it’s possible to get several erections while it’s in your body. If your body metabolises it faster, it will leave your body faster.

Once again, if you’re the type of person who struggles with premature ejaculation and still find it hard to get another erection after climaxing, you might want to seek out alternative treatment. No matter how long it stays in your system, Viagra will not help with premature ejaculation.

How Long Does It Take For Viagra To Kick In After You Take It?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the effects of Viagra vary from man to man.

In general, though, Viagra should start working within 30 minutes of taking the pill. If it still hasn’t started working after an hour, it could be that you’re still not properly sexually aroused (Viagra cannot get you an erection without an arousal), or it might be that your ED is a result of psychological issues, for which you would need other treatment.

If you think that an hour is too long, there are other ED Sildenafil pills on the market that work faster, such as BlueChew, a chewable Viagra that comes with a free sample.

How Long Before Sex To Take Viagra?

Because Viagra 100mg can last for over eight hours, you can take it a few hours before you plan to have sex.

Viagra 25mg, on the other hand, isn’t as long lasting, and it’s highly recommended that you take it 30 minutes before you plan to have sex.

How Often Can You Take Viagra?

As mentioned, 25mg Viagra lasts much less than 100mg Viagra – often as much as four times less. As such, some men who are prescribed 25mg Viagra will find its effects wearing off after 2-3 hours at the most. This can be problematic if you want to have sex a few times during the day, and it can be tempting to take two or even three pills in succession.

However, the general rule is that you should always limit yourself to your prescription and take one pill per day. It’s much safer that way, and while there some men who have taken two pills at the same time to improve the effects, there’s the risk of side effects. These include:

  • Headaches
  • Heartburn
  • Dizziness
  • Flushing
  • Nosebleeds
  • Numbness
  • Back pain
  • Muscle pain

It’s also possible to have a Viagra overdose if you take too much. If you suspect a Viagra overdose, go to an emergency room as soon as possible.

How Much Viagra Should I Take?

Don’t take any more than your recommended/prescribed amount. If you do, you risk experiencing nasty effects and a possible overdose. If you find that your recommended amount just isn’t effective enough, consider alternative Viagra options.

What If I Want ED Pills To Last Longer?

For some men, 25mg Viagra that lasts two hours or less won’t be enough – especially when it takes at least 30 minutes to kick in. Sometimes, it can take as long as 60 minutes to kick in, which leaves you just an hour to enjoy sex.

Because it’s only recommended that you take one pill a day, it’s natural that some men want to find ways to make Viagra last longer, especially if it only lasts an hour or two at the most. The good news is that there are things you can do to make Viagra last longer. Here are some tips:

Change Your Diet

You don’t need to completely overhaul your diet to make Viagra last longer. Instead, you just need to think a bit more carefully about what you put into your stomach before taking it.

Viagra works better on an empty stomach, and it also works better when there are less bad fats in your system. So try taking it on an empty stomach and see what the results are. Try to eat healthier fats before taking it too, as opposed to greasy burgers and pizzas.

Cut Down on Alcohol

As many men know, alcohol greatly reduces their ability to get and maintain an erection. This is because booze impairs the amount of blood that reaches the penis. Without good blow flow, you will always struggle to get a satisfying erection.

If you know you’ll be taking Viagra that day, try to avoid alcohol altogether. If you go over 2 units, you will severely hinder its chances of working at all, let alone working for longer.

Improve Your Health

You should think of Viagra as more of a sex aid than anything else. In other words, while it can get you a stronger, longer lasting erection, it isn’t a miracle cure. If you have other health issues, Viagra might not last too long, or it might not even work at all.

If you know you’re in poor health, it’s a good idea to visit your doctor to find out if you’ve got any underlying medical conditions – such as diabetes – that could be preventing Viagra from working.

Find The Right ED Pills

Sildenafil is the active ingredient in Viagra, but Cialis – another branded ED pill – contains a stronger ingredient known as tadalafil. Tadalafil stays in your system longer than Sildenafil – often as long as 20 hours. For this reason, it’s a solid alternative to Viagra for men who don’t find Viagra satisfying enough.

Tadalafil is available in ED pills online, such as BlueChew, which you can try for free with a coupon code. Because it stays in your system longer, it means you can take it at any time of the day and have sex whenever you’re ready. This means less calculated planning and more freedom.

Conclusion – Viagra Lasts Long Enough to Get the Job Done

Viagra Sildenafil is a potent ED pill that can get men a harder, longer lasting erection. But it’s not the only available option. While 100mg Viagra can last for up to eight hours, it’s entirely dependent on the individual. If Viagra works just fine for you, great. If not, seek out alternatives that will give you and your partner the sex life you deserve.

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