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Hims ED Review: Is ForHims.com Medication Worth Using?

Hims ED Review: Is ForHims.com Medication Worth Using?

For Hims is a company selling multiple male-oriented treatments for things like erectile dysfunction, skin care, and hair loss. You know, the kinds of things that guys are embarrassed to visit their doctor about.

After reading some of the Hims ED reviews online, I found that most of the reviews were quite positive. Hims was started back in 2017 by CEO Andrew Dudum, and it’s only getting more popular as more countries and US states relax their telemedicine laws.

I was having some problems with erectile dysfunction, so I gave Hims a go. I hope you enjoy my review!

Pros and Cons of Hims Viagra Generics


Before getting into the details, I want to give you an overarching view of the pros and cons of Hims ED pills.


  •         Cheaper than brand name Viagra
  •         Convenient subscription service
  •         Same active ingredient as Viagra (sildenafil)
  •         Somewhat improved sex life
  •         Consultation with an online doctor
  •         Legit erectile dysfunction medications


  •         Hims pills were fine, but a little weak
  •         Side effects like headaches were common
  •         Hard to cancel the subscription
  •         Condescending customer support team
  •         Not as cheap as other online pharmacies
  •         Bluechew pills seem to be stronger and faster

As you can see, I wasn’t massively blown away by their erectile dysfunction treatment. The pills did improve my erections, but I often had to take at least 2 or 3 Hims pills to notice any effect.

I’ve had Bluechew in the past, and that just seemed to be much stronger!

How Does Hims ED Work?


For Hims is an online pharmacy that sells multiple treatments for men. Usually, these treatments are things that a lot of men don’t want to go to their doctor about – hair loss, erectile dysfunction, skin problems… that kind of thing.

One of the things they sell is ED pills.

As well as brand-name Viagra and Cialis, they sell the generic versions – sildenafil and tadalafil. The generics are a lot cheaper and do basically the same thing as their branded counterparts. There are also a few other treatment options available for erectile dysfunction on their website.

I went with the sildenafil pills.

If you know what to expect with Viagra, then sildenafil is basically the same deal – you take 1 pill around 30 minutes before you plan on having sex. After 30 minutes or so, you have a raging hard-on and you’re gonna stay hard for the next 2-3 hours or so.

Hims works on a prescription subscription model – you pay for a regular monthly delivery of ED meds to your house. It’s a bit like HelloFresh or DollarShaveClub but it’s for ED pills. Once a month your pills arrive on your doorstep like clockwork, and there are many different packages you can choose from if you’re getting too many or too little for your needs.

It is the future of ED meds online, though Hims isn’t the first to do this.

Packaging and Shipping

My pills arrived in a discreet box with no information about what was inside. I appreciate that, as I’ve heard horror stories from some people about boner pills turning up in a box that wasn’t exactly subtle. Inside the box, you find your pills and all the usual safety information booklets.

The pills come individually wrapped in small packets that are designed to make them portable and easy to put in your wallet or take out on the go. The color is a strange off-white which I’m not really a fan of, but I’m willing to let that go. I think other brands like Bluechew have much sleeker packaging, to be honest.

Not that it really matters!

The one thing I would say is that all of these little sachets seem like such a waste of materials. I know I’m not supposed to be choosing prescription drugs based on how environmentally friendly they are, but it does seem to be a concern and I found myself wondering whether all these packets were recyclable in any way.

Nonetheless, the packaging was fine – it just lacked the class of some other brands.

Is Hims Sildenafil Legit?


To be clear, Hims ED does indeed sell 100% legitimate sildenafil ED pills. In case you don’t know, sildenafil is the active ingredient in Viagra, so their pills are essentially Viagra without the branding. However, I wasn’t massively blown away by these things.

And I’ve had Viagra before!

Overall, I just found that my prescription was a little weak and lackluster. I was taking the 50mg sildenafil pills, which are usually regarded as the “normal” amount for someone to take, and I just wasn’t feeling much difference. I’m middle-aged, so my erectile dysfunction isn’t SUPER bad, yet I found myself having to take 2 or 3 pills to get an effect.

On the other hand, the men I know who’ve taken Hims for skin care and hair loss have said that their experience was absolutely amazing, so maybe these Hims Sildenafil pills are just bad apples?

Also, while we’re talking about their hair loss prescription stuff, it’s worth noting that their hair loss orders come in a branded Hims delivery box, while their ED meds do not. Seeing as most Hims stuff is prescription treatments for things that men are embarrassed about, I’d prefer that ALL of their packagings be discreet.

So yes, Hims is definitely legit, but I don’t think it’s the best ED meds online company out there.

My Experience Speaking to a Hims Doctor


Like most of these online prescription sites, I had to speak to a doctor online before I was confirmed for a prescription of Hims sildenafil tablets. I had to answer an in-depth questionnaire about my health and give the doctor a blood pressure reading from my home.

Most of us don’t have a blood pressure machine just lying around, but that’s a different story!

The first thing I noticed was that the medical team took a long time to get back to me. Now, I realize that they’re probably busy, but when I’m handing over my hard-earned cash I expect a fairly quick reply from my online doctor.

I paid a $39 fee for a video consultation with my doctor so I could speak to them over video chat and ask any questions about this ED prescription product. Well, I ended up receiving a couple of short sentences in their messaging system instead.

Now, I should point out that this was around the time that COVID-19 was starting to affect the country badly, but I don’t see what difference that should’ve made. The video consultation with the doctor would have been remote and socially distanced anyway, so why couldn’t they still do it?

I wouldn’t mind, but I paid $39 for those couples of sentences!

I guess you can’t complain too much because going to a regular doctor in real life would’ve cost much more money. And at least you do actually need to supply health information to a medical review board – some of these online pharmacies just send out erectile dysfunction drugs to any dude who asks for them.

Still, this whole ordering process was a giant pain in the ass.

My Experience with Hims Erectile Dysfunction Drugs

I’m in my 40s and I’ve just started having problems with erectile dysfunction. It’s not at the point where it’s ruining my sex life, but it’s certainly more difficult to maintain an erection than it ever has been in the past. After trying similar healthcare services like GetRoman, I decided to give Hims a try because my friend used their products for male pattern baldness issues.

I visited their website and started my “online visit” which requires you to enter a bunch of personal information before you can even view their products and their prices. It was annoying, but I understand that it’s due to telemedicine laws so they need to check you’re in a legal state.

How Much Does Hims ED Cost?

After signing my life away with my personal information, I was finally able to see their product. The price was okay, but I’ve definitely paid less for better pills. Their sildenafil packages start at around $20 per month and go up from there, but Christ did they make it hard to find out the prices of the different subscription amounts.

Whenever a company is cagey about telling you their prices, it’s a huge red flag for me.

Now it’s worth remembering that a single pill of branded Viagra costs more than $50 in the US. So while Hims isn’t super cheap compared to its competitors like Get Roman and Bluechew, it is still cheaper than buying normal Viagra online or in-person.

Having Sex On Hims Pills

So, the golden question – did Hims make sex better for me?

To be honest, I just didn’t have any major reaction to these sildenafil tablets like I’d had with other erectile dysfunction treatments in the past. When I took my Hi ms tablet, I didn’t feel particularly aroused, excited, or hard. I did get a semi after around 30 minutes, but it wasn’t the insane boner that I was used to with Viagra.

It was just kind of “meh”.

It got to the point where I had to take 2 or 3 Hims pills to get any effect and achieve the raging hard-on I was looking for. It was very disappointing. After all, then I ended up getting headaches and a couple of other side effects because I was taking too many at once.

On the other hand, when I used to take Bluechew, I’d take one of their sildenafil generics and be hard as a rock in 20-25 minutes with basically zero side effects. It was also just more convenient because you could chew it down and you didn’t have to swallow the pills with water.

I think Bluechew is just a better product, really.

I mean, I was able to have great sex on these Hims ED meds, but I was battling a headache and taking more than the intended dose, so I was always a little bit worried and not fully in the moment with my wife like I wanted to be. On the other hand, Bluechew pills just seem to work like a charm and I’d get in the zone of being a full-on sex-machine.  You can read my full bluechew review here.

Maybe Bluechew is just made in a better lab… who knows?

Other ForHims.com Reviews

I wondered if it was just me who was having these problems, but then I found some similar Hims reviews on the Hims TrustPilot page and I thought I’d share some snippets here:

“They are like a fitness club, they only let you order as a subscription, then make it impossible to cancel.  There is no “cancel” button on the subscription, there is no “delete” function on your credit card info.  You have to get hold of customer support to cancel your subscription.”
Regretful Customer

“Nothing ever shows up on time. Ever.”
Michael Wisth

“I tried to cancel my subscription within 5 minutes of it being processed because it was processed incorrectly. Apparently, I cannot get my money back or cancel the order because it “went to the pharmacy.” There is no cancellation period and they are only out for your money.”

“Do yourself a favour and just but the pills somewhere else. Its crazy how overpriced these pills are, for 12 pounds a month i get the exact same pills elsewhere. this is a scam.”
Nohan Mohtashami

I’m glad to know it wasn’t just me who was having problems with Hims!

Conclusion – Is Hims A Scam?


I don’t think that Hims is a scam – they do sell a lot of product that helps men to improve their lives in various ways. However, I do think that they’re not the cheapest ED med prescription service online, and their product is far from perfect, at least when it comes to their sildenafil pills.

All in all, I would recommend you try Bluechew over Hims, as their product seems to be faster, cheaper, and more effective. I also never had any issues with the ordering process as I did with Hims. For men who want a decent generic Viagra with little to no side effects, I’d always recommend Bluechew.

I hope you enjoyed my Hims review!

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